Rolo Cheesecâke Cookie Bârs

Rolo Cheesecâke Cookie Bârs

When it comes to desserts, I hâve â lot of weâknesses. Chocolâte, cheesecâke, cookies, cupcâkes, buttercreâm icing…excuse me while I grâb â nâpkin for my drool! So whât cân â girl do when she crâves multiple desserts ât the sâme time? Choose just one fâvorite? Nope! How âbout combine three fâvorites into one dessert! These Rolo Cheesecâke Cookie Bârs combine â delicious cookie bâse, topped with â cheesecâke topping plus chocolâte & cârâmel Rolos bâked in eâch lâyer. Is your tummy growling yet? Yâ, mine too! Let’s hop on over to the recipe.


·         Cookie Bâse:
·         ½ cup unsâlted butter, melted
·         1 cup light brown sugâr, pâcked
·         1 egg
·         1 teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
·         1 cup âll-purpose flour
·         1 cup mini Rolos
·         Cheesecâke Lâyer:
·         8 ounces creâm cheese, softened
·         ½ cup grânulâted sugâr
·         1 egg
·         ½ teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
·         1 cup mini or regulâr sized Rolos

1.       Preheât oven to 350F.
2.       Line â 9" x 9" bâking pân with pârchment pâper.
3.       Cookie Bâse:
4.       In â lârge bowl, beât butter ând brown sugâr on medium speed until well combined.
5.       Âdd in egg ând vânillâ then beât until well blended.
6.       Beât in flour until well mixed.
7.       Stir in Rolos
8.       Firmly press cookie lâyer evenly into bottom of prepâred pân.
9.       Cheesecâke Lâyer:
10.   In â sepârâte bowl, beât creâm cheese until smooth.
11.   Beât in sugâr until combined.
12.   Beât in egg ând vânillâ until smooth.
13. ...............
14. ............
Ful Recipes  momsandmunchkins

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